Design of Vessel Structures
Preparing for projects, vessel modifications and/or verification can be required to accommodate the mission equipment. For this, our engineers can help in designing the required modifications and verifying the capacity of the vessel structures.
- Deck / Hull modifications
- Deck / Hull reinforcements
- Barge capacity
- Design Review
- Mission equipment design
- Marine Operations equipment design
Track record
Sea Transport Analysis
Transport of offshore structures from and to installation or decommissioning sites requires transport analysis and design of grillages and sea fastening. Furthermore, the transported structure and transport vessel also require analysis to ensure a safe journey. Our engineers will design and verify the best solution for transporting your cargo.
- Barge / Vessel integrity
- Grillage Design
- Sea-fastening Design
- Sea Transportation Analysis
- Cargo integrity verification
Heavy Lifting & Installation Analysis
We have a broad experience in designing and analysing heavy installation equipment such as lift points, spreader bars/frames, rigging design and other installation aids. Next to that, we are also able to analyse the lifting operation itself, check structural integrity of the lifted structure and help setting up lift plans.
- Lift Plans
- Lift Point Design
- Rigging Design
- Spreader beam/frame design
- Structure integrity during lifting
- Installation aid design
Design of Offshore Structures
Our engineers have extensive experience in designing various offshore structures, both for permanent and temporary use subsea or above sea level. Structures can range from topsides to foundations to installation equipment and from simple designs to complex.
- Pile Installation frames
- Suction bucket foundation
- Topside Design
- Jacket Design
Track record
Marine Construction Analysis
We are capable to analyse marine construction of structures right from setting up the basis of design towards providing detailed design reports. Analysis are performed using hand calculations, Global FE analysis (i.e. SACS) and detailed FE analysis (i.e. ANSYS), to ensure the structural integrity of the whole structure is verified for all limit states in all construction phases.
- Preparation of Basis of Design
- Structural Integrity Verification
- Basic design / Detailed Design reports
- Finite Element models
- Limit State Analysis (Strength/Stability/Fatigue/Accidental)
- Design of connections (welded/bolted)