Munmu Baran (2022) Floating Wind Turbine Installation Analysis

DEME Offshore

Project description:

The MunmuBaram Floating Offshore Wind Project will be built between 65km and 80 km off the coast of Ulsan, South Korea with a total capacity of 1.3 GW of offshore wind power.

A preliminary assessment was given of the motions of a WTG nacelle and tower as installed free hanging from the crane of a floating mono-hull vessel. The analysis is performed to assess the motions of the nacelle, tower and vessel. The results should be combined with the TLP motions from a different analysis to determine the feasibility of the installation and the necessity  of installation guides.

OI’s scope of work:

DEME Offshore contracted OI to provide the following:

  • Dynamic analysis in OrcaFlex:
  • Generator installation
  • Tower installation
  • Report:
  • Graphical results
  • Tabular results
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