Suction Piles for Various Projects

SPT Offshore

Project description:

  • OI has supported SPT with various projects that involve the Installation of Suction Piles, used amongst others as Monopile Foundation, as Anchorpiles for FPSOs and as foundation for Metmasts.

OI’s scope of work:

SPT has requested OI for support from an experienced draftsman with knowledge of Offshore Installation. Amongst others the following deliverables were prepared:

  • Storyboard drawings for the installation of suction piles.
  • Instructional drawings for the installation of equipment needed on the suction piles.
  • Various structural design drawings of seafastening
  • Installation drawings & deck layout for a.o. seafastening.
  • Structural / arrangement drawings for a Scour Protection System (Test)
  • Variety of other drawings:
    • Sailing routes
    • Deck layouts
    • Lifting plans
    • Mooring plans


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