Project description:
The Yunlin offshore wind project is developed by Yunneng Wind Power Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of Skyborn Renewables GmbH. The project is located in the Taiwan Strait, between 8 and 17 kilometers off the west coast of Taiwan, at water depths from 7 up to 35 meters. The 82km² project area (6% of Yunlin sea area) will comprise 80 wind turbine generators (WTG) with total capacity of 640 MW rated power, and the generated electricity will be fed into the grid via two onshore substations at Taixi and Sihu Townships respectively in Yunlin County.
OI’s scope of work:
OI has been contracted to provide engineering support to Seaway 7, who is tendering for providing T&I services for the OWF foundations. Engineering involved developing a deck layout of HLV Seaway Yudin with the required project equipment.