Seagreen OWF Suction Caisson Jacket foundations installation (2022) Geotechnical Engineer (Client Rep. o/b Saipem 7000)

Seaway 7

Project description:

The Seagreen OWF is the largest OWF in Scotland, comprising of 114x Vestas V164 9,5 MW WTGs, 1x substation platform, 66kV inter-array cables and 3x export cables.

It is located 17 miles SE of the Port of Montrose, Scotland at a WD of 42m-58m, making it the deepest fixed bottom windfarm in the world.

After completion, the total power output from the Seagreen OWF will be 1075 GW.

OI’s scope of work:

Provide Project Geotechnical Engineers to act as Supervisors (on behalf of Seaway 7 o/b the semi-submersible crane vessel Saipem 7000) for the installation contractor Saipem during the installation of the suction caisson jacket foundations.

Witness the suction operation, log sequence of events and decide on ground mitigation measures in consultation with the office/onshore project team.

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